Yes, I did just type that.
So, we have Ridge hearing voices from beyond (Eric in his coma), Katie seeing her dead brother's ghost and then imagining him turning into a seamonster. A seamonster. A seamonster that looks like The frikkin' Joker. What. The. F^ck?
This was intercut with shots of Bridget reading ancient monk's letters (or something) about "dark" and "light" to Brooke and pondering the deeper meaning of life/love... oh, because, um, Brooke and Bridget often bond over scriptures whilst Katie imagines seamonsters are going to eat her. Typical day, yeah???????? Kay Alden (or whoever is writing this tosh), I know I congratulated you the other week, but that is no reason to celebrate with drugs. Put down the crack pipe. Stop this madness.
Anyway, lovely to see Bridget get some lovin' (shame he's old enough to be her father and has a habit of porking her mother, but whatever... in B&B terms, these days it passes for romance):
Kind of took a turn for the worse when Katie discovered she was carrying Nick's child though. Yes, she'd been porked too. By Nick. Offscreen, on Catalina, when Pity-Me Katie (
Tickle Me Elmo for depressives) thought she was dying. Look at the shock on her face:
Woman has sex, gets pregnant. I thought she was smart? Maybe when she didn't die, she might have taken a pregnancy test? Yeah, I know she was ill, but that didn't stop her roll in the sand with Nick, did it? Way to go, Katie, get preggers by your niece/BFF's husband. Troll.
She told Nick. It was a very serious moment.
Then she saw her dead brother:
He beckoned her into the water. He then turned into (The Joker AKA) a seamonster and tried to catch her (or some silly sh!t), and then Katie realised she was daydreaming. God, I wish I'd been daydreaming instead of watching that. Too too weird. I only tuned in for some romance, boardroom intrigue and maybe a fashion show. NOT A FRIKKIN' SEAMONSTER!
The end result? Katie and Nick are going to lie to Bridget until the last possible moment and they consider her pregnancy "a miracle". Great, how romantic. The pair of them are sickening right now. Yeah, Nick, despite letting Bridget down again
and again, it seemed like a good idea to
get down to it with her aunt right before marrying Bridget, did it? Oh, Katie was dying? That's okay, then - most people shag their dying in-laws to cheer them up. Her pregnancy "has to be happening for a reason" does it? It's "meant to be," is it? My ass it is. Go on, have a hug, you pair of sickos: