Sunday, 9 November 2008

Donna and Stephanie's bedroom antics.

So, Donna stripped for Eric (it was officially Logan Stripping Week on B&B). She snuggled up to Eric, who was under the covers, and got ready to show him some of her hootchie momma moves.

Oops. It was Stephanie in the bed. Funny as it was, this is not how I want to see the fantastic Susan Flannery. Stephanie is way too much of a ball-breaking broad to put up with this nonsense. She should be eating Donna for breakfast, not living under the same roof in Eric's harem.
Who do you think should end up with Eric? I recently posted this question as a poll on Daytime Cofidential. Click here to see the responses and to cast your vote.
C'mon, you silly old goat, ditch the bimbo. Then get ready for Stephanie to rip you a new one.

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