Tuesday, 30 September 2008

The return of Tridge?!

Tridge (AKA Taylor and Ridge)... is that where we're heading? After years of not thinking about Ridge, now Taylor's waking up unable to stop thinking about him. It went something like this:

"Ridge Ridge Ridge Ridge Ridge... I've got to stop thinking about you Ridge."
(echo: "... gotta stop thinking about you Ridge")
"Ridge, I've gotta stop thinking about you."
(echo: "... gotta stop...")
(echo: "Ridge, Ridge, Ridge...")

D'you get it? Would you like a publicity shot to make it seem a bit more real? Okay...


Anonymous said...

It's just chilling how much Steffy looks like Taylor and Ridge.

Marone Macaroni said...

So true, Jennifer. D'you remember before the recasts when the twins were identical?!

Unknown said...

That was one of the most hilarious/entertaining soap scenes I've watched in years. Do you happen to know where the clip is? I'd love to post it on my Facebook for a laugh. But seriously, I loved it, in all its campiness.

Marone Macaroni said...

There's a (not very good quality) clip here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsN0cECbleQ

Ridge, Ridge... Ridge, RIDGE...